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www.sinoca.com 2010-06-02  

活动时间:2010年6月3日 19:00 - 21:00


联 系 人:Sophie



相关地址:Peel Chinese Community Service Hub, 1177 Central Parkway, Unite 81, Mississauga, ON, L5C 4P3

M-Bridge Culture Integration Society for Professionals

Breaking Culture Code, Bridging Language Gap

www.m-bridge.org info@m-bridge.org 416-900-0112

Thursday, June 3, 2010 Mississauga

Topic: Power of Networking

Speaker: Bonnie Chan

Please be adviced that from June our Mississauga weely program will be held in a new venue. Please see following detail information about the new location.

Everyone knows how important the networking is, and we all had well-established networks back home which made our life easier and comfortable. However since we came to Canada, we got lost. Due to the new surrounding, language and culture barriers, we feel it is too hard to network with local people. Even some of immigrants are isolated from Canadian society.

It is our honor to have Bonnie Chan, a networking expert, as our guest speaker to teach us some of networking secret skills.

What and Why networking

How to meet the right people at the right time

How to remember names

Bonnie Chan is an old friend and supporter of M-Bridge. She played a very important role when M-Bridge was in the earliy stage. Bonnie Chan has a network that spans the nation. She was born in Calgary, raised in Vancouver, and since settled in Toronto. The daughter of Chinese immigrants, Bonnie brings a unique blend of Chinese heritage and Canadian culture her business practice.

In 2009, Bonnie launched Bon Connections to capitalize on her greatest skill– her ability to bring people together. Bon Connections specializes in training immigrants how to expand their networks in Canada. She offers a variety of services from interactive and practical workshops to one on one coaching. Bonnie works to tailor her program to meet individual needs and ensures that her clients not only gain access to better job opportunities, but learn strategies to enhance their social circles and support networks here in Canada.

Bonnie has trained people from a variety of backgrounds, races and ages to harness their skills and achieve success in all of their pursuits whether business or personal. She has an eye for talent and a unique ability to empower people to achieve their career goals and ambitions no matter what the industry may be.

Please email duansophie@gmail.com to reserve your seat. If you have any difficulty of finding the location, please call 416-358-9824.

Time: Thursday, June 3, 2010, 7:00-9:00PM

Location: Peel Chinese Community Service Hub, 1177 Central Parkway, Unite 81, Mississauga, ON, L5C 4P3 (Inside of Golden Square, at the very south west cornor, a lot of free parking space)

Maplink: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1177+Central+Parkway+West,+Mississauga,+ON+L5C+4P3&sll=43.568372,-79.664202&sspn=0.008473,0.022638&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1177+Central+Pkwy+W,+Mississauga,+Peel+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario+L5C+4P3&z=16

Please kindly be advised that we will charge $2.50 for each session, or $10.00 for four sessions to be attended at your convenience. This fee is purely to cover the basic cost of operation and cost for tokens of appreciation to our guest speakers. If you have any difficulty regarding this payment, feel free to talk to one of our coordinators. We will be more than willing to waive it for you.

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