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地道美语:"miss the point ""误会,没明白

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  youku

1.Waiting on her hand and foot. "wait on sb ""服侍sb"

eg: A: I want to marry a man who will wait on me hand and foot.我想嫁一个服侍我的人.
       B: Good luck finding one. 希望你能找到.
 Gary' s family is very rich, They have a butler who waits on them. Gary家特有钱,他们家有管家伺候.

2.It' s a dream come true. "dream come true ""美梦成真"

eg: Being a teacher was a dream come true for me, I' ve wanted to teach since I was 10 years old.我十岁起就想当老师,梦想终于实现了.
  Penny was very happy with her wedding, It was a dream come true for her. Penny在婚礼上非常开心,她梦想成真了.

3.You' re kind of missing the point. "miss the point ""误会,没明白"

eg: Vicky wants to have a baby because she thinks babies are cute,but I think she' s missing the point. Babies are a lot of work! Vicky想要个孩子,因为她觉得孩子特别可爱,我觉得她完全不了解这事,那可是很累人的.
  I missed the point of the movie, can you explain it to me? 这电影我没看懂,你给我讲讲.

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上一篇:地道美语: "strongly worded "语言过激的

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