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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  xizuo


1.You’re on the right track now!
2.You’ve got it made.
3.You’re really working hard today.
4.You’re very good at that.
5.You’re doing that much better today.
6.You’ve just about got it.
7.You’re doing a good job.
8.You’re getting better every day.
9.You really make my job fun.
10. You did it that time!
11. You haven’t missed a thing!
12. You’ve got your brain in gear today.
13. You’ve just about mastered it.
14. You must have been practicing.
15. You did that very well.
16. You’re really going to town.
17. You’re really improving.
18. You’re doing beautifully.
19. You know this inside out. (你熟悉得真透彻。)
20. You did a lot of work today.
21. Congratulations. You got it right!
22. Now you have the hang of it.
23. Now you have it!
24. You’re doing fine!
25. You are really learning a lot.
26. You outdid yourself today!
27. You figured that out fast.
28. You remembered!
29. There you go! (对,就是这样的!)
30. That’s right!
31. That’s good!
32. That’s much, much better.
33. That’s it!
34. That’s quite an improvement.
35. That’s the right way to do it.
36. That’s the way to do it!
37. That’s the best you’ve ever done.
38. That’s not half bad.
39. That’s the way.
40. That’s better.
41. That was first class work.
42. That’s the best ever.
43. That’s better than ever.
44. That’s how to handle that.
45. That’s a good boy/girl.
46. That’s really nice.
47. That kind of work makes me happy.
48. That’s coming along nicely.
49. That sounds a good idea.
50. Super!
51. Good work!
52. Well done!
53. Well said!
54. Exactly right!
55. Great!
56. Congratulations!
57. Not bad.
58. Nice going!
59. Good job!
60. Wow!
61. Terrific!
62. Sensational!
63. Excellent!
64. Perfect!
65. Much better!
66. Wonderful!
67. Fine!
68. Outstanding!
69. Fantastic!
70. Tremendous!
71. Right on!
72. Superb!
73. Marvelous!
74. Good thinking!
75. Good going!
76. Good remembering!
77. Good for you!
78. Way to go!(做得好!)
79. Keep it up!
80. Never lost heart!
81. Take it easy!
82. Snap out of it. Be strong! (振作起来吧。勇敢些!)
83. Think like that!
84. Good question!
85. One more time and you’ll have it.
86. Try your best. = Give it your best shot.
87. Keep up the good work.
88. I’m happy to see you working like that.
89. I’m proud of the way you worked today.
90. I’m very proud of you.
91. I knew you could do it.
92. I like that.
93. I’ve never seen anyone do it better.
94. I think you’ve got it now.
95. I think you’re doing the right thing.
96. It’s such a pleasure to teach when you work like that.
97. Couldn’t have done it better myself.
98. Aren’t you proud of yourself?
99. Nothing can stop you now.
100. Now that’s what I call a fine job.
加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:地道美语:"be up to = be doing sth "正在做sth
下一篇:美国俚语:"screw around "胡闹,乱来

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