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地道英语:To Wind Someone Up 捉弄

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  chinadaily


Neil:Hello and welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

Neil:In Real English we look at words and phrases people use all the time which you might not find in your dictionary.


Neil:Hey, guess what, Feifei?


Neil:I’m going on holiday to China.

Feifei:Oh really? Neil 说他要到中国去度假了!

Neil:And then I’m going to climb Mount Everest.

Feifei:What? 他还要去爬喜玛拉雅山(珠穆朗玛峰)!

Neil:And after that I’m going to take a trip to the moon.

Feifei:A trip to the moon?! 什么?还要到月球上去探险旅行?OK, now I know you’re joking. 这一定是个玩笑!

Neil:You’re right Feifei. I’m just winding you up. To wind someone up.

Feifei:这个短语的意思就是告诉一个人不存在的事情,从而来和这个人开玩笑。To wind someone up 捉弄某人。


A: Did you hear that Mike’s going to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen?

B: Really? Why’s that?

A: Well, he says the Queen just invited him for tea.

B: Oh, come on, he’s just winding you up. You know he’s always joking around.

Neil:It’s a verb. To wind someone up.

Feifei:这是一个动词短语 to wind someone up.

Neil:But it can also be used as a noun. A wind-up.

Feifei:这个短语还可以变成一个名词 a wind-up.

Neil:Be careful with the pronunciation because it’s spelt the same as wind, but pronounced wind.

Feifei:大家要注意在这个短语里 wind 和 wind "风" 这个词的拼写是完全一样的,可是它读做 wind,不是 wind.

Neil:So, when Mike said he was going for tea with the Queen, it was just a wind-up.

Feifei:当 Mike 说女王邀请他一起喝下午茶的时候,那只是 a wind-up 而已。 Well Neil, I’m going shopping now. I’m going to buy a new car; I’m thinking of a Rolls Royce.

Neil:A Rolls Royce? How can you afford that?

Feifei:I won the lottery.

Neil:Ah, stop winding me up!

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