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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-18  英语点津

刷卡消费因其独特的优点被越来越多的人们所喜爱,五一将又是一个刷卡高峰期。赶紧来看看有关信用卡credit card的表达吧!


Peony Card 牡丹卡
Money-Link Card 灵通卡
Peony Debit Card 牡丹借记卡
Peony International Card 牡丹国际卡
Peony Special Card 牡丹专用卡
The Great Wall Card 长城卡
Dragon Card 龙卡
Golden Spike Card 金穗卡
VISA Card 维萨卡
Master Card 万事达卡
American Express Card 运通卡
Diners Club Card 大莱卡
JCB cards JCB卡

接下来就要知道How to Use a Credit Card信用卡的使用,我们来看一组会话实例:

Clerk: How do you do?

Customer: How do you do? I've opened a Peony Card account recently. Now I want to cash some money. How can I do it, please?

Clerk: You can use it to draw money from the ATM, but the withdrawal amount is limited within RMB 1000 each time. You can also use it at the counter to get much more money, if you want.(您可以用卡在自动柜员机上取现,但一次只能取1000元人民币。如果需要的话,在柜台上办理就可以取得更多。)

Customer: For what amount do you need authorization?(多少金额以上需经过授权?)

Clerk: For any amount exceeding the line of credit we'll have to.(金额超过信用额度均需经过授权.)

Customer: How about paying my expenses with the card?(那用卡进行消费呢?)

Clerk: You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank.(消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权。)

Customer: Thank you for your assistance.

Clerk: You're welcome.


1.authorization 译为"授权" 当信用卡取款超过信用额度时,须经发卡行授权
2. line of credit 译为"信用额度"
3. issuing bank 译为"发卡行"

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