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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

  1. Dr. Johnson is fully engaged today. 约翰逊大夫今天已经排满了。

  2. Anytime this week except Wednesday will be all right for me. 本周除了星期三以外其他时间都行。

  3. Would 2:00 tomorrow afternoon be convenient for you? 明天下午两点您方便吗?

  4. That suits me perfectly. 这个时间对我来说十分合适。

  5. Would you schedule the diagnosis as early as possible? 能把诊断的时间安排得尽量早一些好吗?

  6. Can you spare me a few minutes this afternoon? 今天下午你能抽出点时间吗?

  7. Dr. Johnson will be expecting you at 9:00 a. m. in his office. 约翰逊大夫早上九点将在他的办公室等你。

  8. Can you make it any other time the day after tomorrow. 你能把它安排在后天的另外一个时间吗?

  9. As the appointment book indicates, Dr. Johnson will be free only on the morning of the 5th. 从预约簿来看,约翰逊大夫只有在10 号上午有空。

  10. I wonder if I could come to see Dr. Johnson this afternoon? 今天下午我能来找约翰逊大夫看病吗?

  11. Can you come here tomorrow morning at 10:00 ? 明天早上10点你能来吗?

  12. I'm afraid Dr. Johnson is occupied this afternoon. 恐怕约翰逊今天下午没有空。

  13. Will you be free the day after tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.? 后天下午4点你有空吗?

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