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30. Window Shopping 浏览橱窗

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

30. Window Shopping 浏览窗口

            A: There's the mixer I was telling you about. It's not so expensive.
            Just twenty dollars on sale.
            B: Right now that's twenty dollars too much. Let's walk down the
            street and look at the prints in the bookstore window. I heard they
            had some nice reproductions on display.
            A: Okay, but before we buy any more pictures, let's get the ones we
            have framed.
            B: Who said anything about buying pictures? We're just window
            shopping. It doesn't cost anything to look.

            Mixer 电动食品搅拌器
            Prints 图片
            Windows shopping 浏览窗口


加拿大华人网 http://www.sinoca.com/

上一篇:31. Shopping in the Dime store 在低价商店购物
下一篇:29. Taking Clothes to the Cleaners 把衣服送进洗衣店

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