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37. Planning a Vacation 准备度假

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

37. Planning a Vacation 准备度假

            A: I weet to the travel agency today and picked up these folders on
            Japan, Normandy, and Quebec.
            B: For this summer? Have we saved that much money?
            A: Not this summer. In two or three years, maybe. I have it almost
            all worded out. Here. Normandy, and then the Chateau country.
            Somewhere in these we'll have to work in Nice for the carnival. Then
            we take the Orient Express to Istanbul from there.
            B: But what do we do this year?
            A: Oh, I thought we'd go to one of the national parks-Yosemite, or
            Yellowstone, or maybe the Grand Canyon-that is, if it's all right
            with you.

            All worked out 全部安排好了
            Chateau country 法国的古城堡游览胜地
            Work in 插进(或列入)计划
            That is 假如,以…为条件


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上一篇:38. What are You Doing This Summer? 今年夏天你准备干什么?
下一篇:36. Intermission 剧间休息

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