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40. Going Walking 去散步

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

 40. Going Walking 去散步

            A: Yesterday my landlady seemed surprised when I told her I went for
            a walk every day. I think she didn't believe me.
            B: Oh, she probably believed you, but people don't do much walking
            anymore for pleasure, or even for exercise. Almost everyone has a
            car nowadays.
            A: I've noticed that no one I meet ever appears to be walking just
            for walking's sake. Perhaps I'd better stop doing it.
            B: No, I wouldn't stop. It's supposed to be good exercise, and there
            are a few walkers left. Probably more people would take walks if we
            valued exercise more and time less.

            Landlady 女房东
            Value 认为…是重要的


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上一篇:41. Evening Encounter 晚间的邂逅
下一篇:39. Deciding to Go to the Movies 决定去看电影

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