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42. Looking for a Job 寻找工作

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

 42. Looking for a Job 寻找工作

            A: Yesterday I started job hunting.
            B: Oh, Did you have any luck?
            A: I haven't found a job yet.
            B: What kind of work are you looking for?
            A: I thought maybe I could get into someone's training program. The
            books all say that industry needs college people with a general
            education, but none of the personnel officers who interviewed me
            seemed to have read those books. They all wanted people who could do
            specific things. I suppose the books are right, but maybe there are
            more people with liberal educations looking for jobs, and there
            probably aren't as many of those jobs available anyway.

            Job hunting 寻找工作
            Personnel officers 人事官员
            Liberal education (大学)文科教育


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上一篇:43. Leaving for Work 去上班
下一篇:41. Evening Encounter 晚间的邂逅

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