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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(28).In a Post Office 在邮局

            Every mailing address in the United States has a "ZIP code" which
            should be used whenever possible. Post offices are generally open
            from 8:30 to 5:00 from Monday to Friday and until noon on Saturday.

            美国每一个通信地址都编有邮政号码, 应该尽量加以利用. 邮局的营业时间一般是星期一到星期五的上午8点

            1.A: How much is an airmail letter to Japan?
            B: I'll have to check. Can I help you with anything else?
            A: I'd like a 20 cent stamp, please.
            B: There you are.

            2.A: Could you tell me how much it would cost to send this to France
            by regular mail?
            B: I'll look it up. Is there anything else?
            A: Yes. I'd like five airmail stamps.
            B: Here you are.

            3.A: How much would a post card to Brazil be?
            B: Let me check for you. Do you need anything else?
            A: Yes. I'd like a book of 20 cent stamps, please.
            B: Here you are.

            4.A: How much more would it cost ot send this special delivery?
            B: Just a second. I'll have to check that? Anything else I can do
            for you?
            A: Yes. I'd like to send a $20.00 money order.
            B: There you go.


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