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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(31).Planning an Evening Out (1) 计划晚间的外出活动

            In the United States girls and boys usually begin to go out on
            "dates" when they are 14 or 15. Typical dates include going to the
            movies, going dancing or going to a party.
            美国的男女孩子通常到十四,五岁时开始外出约会. 典型的约会是看电影,跳舞或参加社交聚会.

            1.A: How would you like to go to a movie tonight?
            B: Thanks for asking, but I don't think so.
            A: Then what about trying that new Chinese restaurant?
            B: No. I'd rather stay home and watch TV.

            2.A: How about going to see Maria tonight?
            B: Not tonight. Maybe another time.
            A: Come on! It would do you good to get out.
            B: No. I want to get to bed early tonight.

            3.A: Let's go roller-skating.
            B: I really don't feel like it tonight.
            A: Well, would you like to do anything?
            B: No. If you don't mind, I'm just going to stay home tonight.

            4.A: Why don't we go dancing?
            B: No. I'm really not in the mood.
            A: Then why don't we just go out and get something to eat?
            B: No. I want to stay home tonight for a change.

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