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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(34).Watching Television 看电视

            There are three nationwide television networks in the United States:
            the American Broadcasting Company(ABC), the Columbia Broadcasting
            Company(CBS) and the National Broadcasting Company(NBC). There is
            also a public broadcasting network(PBS), and there are hundreds of
            local television stations. In many areas television is broadcast 24
            hours a day.

            1.A: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?
            B: I think there's a western on.
            A: Do you mind if we watch it? I'd really like to see it.
            B: Well, I really wanted to see the baseball game.

            2.A: Do you happen to know what's on after the news?
            B: I've got a feeling there's a documentary about animals.
            A: Does anybody mind if we watch it?
            B: Don't you want to see part two of the movie?

            3.A: Do you remember what comes on next?
            B: I believe there's a TV special.
            A: Are you interested in watching it?
            B: Let me look in the TV Guide first.

            4.A: What's on Channerl 2 at 8:00?
            B: If I remember correctly, there's a quiz show.
            A: Do you want to watch it?
            B: Let's see what else is on first.

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