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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(43).At the Dentist's Office 在牙医诊所

            Dental work is usually quite expensive. Appointments are usually
            made far in advance, but many dentists will try to fit you if you
            have an urgent problem.
            牙医行业通常索价高昂,而且看牙医一般都老早预约。 但是如果你有紧急情况,很多牙科医生还是会设法抽空给你看的。

            1.A: How long have you felt like this?
            B: It started bothering me yesterday afternoon.
            A: I think I'd better take an X-ray.
            B: Can you see anything?
            A: It's a small cavity. It should be easy to fill.

            2.A: When did your toothache start?
            B: It's been this way for a few days.
            A: Let me take a look at it.
            B: What do you think?
            A: You're got an abscess. I don't think we can save the tooth.

            3.A: How long has it hurt?
            B: The pain started last night.
            A: Well, let's have a look.
            B: What are you going to have to do?
            A: Your gums seem to be inflamed. You'll need treatment.

            4.A: How long have you been in pain?
            B: It started to hurt when I was eating dinner.
            A: Open your mouth as wide as you can, please.
            B: How bad is it?
            A: It's quite serious. I'm afraid we'll have to pull the tooth.


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