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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(3).Meeting old friends 老友重逢

            Many people shake hands when meeting after they havn't seen each
            other for a long time.

            1. A: I haven't seen you for ages. You haven't been sich, have you?
            B: No, I've been in California for the past month.
            A: How nice. Where were you exactly?
            B: San Diego. I got back yesterday.

            2. A: It's nice to see you again. Have you chaged jobs?
            B: No, I've been visiting relatives.
            A: That's nice. Where?
            B: I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco.

            3. A: You haven't been around much lately, have you?
            B: No, I've been away on vacation.
            A: Oh? Where were you?
            B: Palm Springs. I've got a cousin there.

            4. A: Well, hello, stranger! Have you moved or something?
            B: No, I went to California for a few weeks.
            A: Oh, really? Where did you go?
            B: Los Angeles. I stayed with my brother.

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