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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(17).On a Bus 在公共汽车上

            In cities, buses have letters or numbers indicating their routes.
            Usually the exact fare is required because you can't get change on a
            bus. Long-distance travel by bus is common throughout the United
            States and Cannda. It is an inexpensive, scenic way to travel.
            Special tickets for unlimited travel are sometimes offered by the
            larger bus companies.

            1.A: Does this bus go to the train station?
            B: No, You'll have to get off at the bank and take the A52.
            A: How long is the ride?
            B: About ten minutes.

            2.A: Is this the bus for Park Ridge?
            B: No. It only goes as far as Main Street, but you can get the
            Number 31 there.
            A: How long does it take to get there?
            B: It only takes a few minutes.

            3.A: Does this bus go to the beach?
            B: No. You're going the wrong way. You want the Number11. It stops
            in front of the post
            A: About how long does it take?
            B: Only fifteen minutes.

            4.A:Is this the right bus for Pacific Boulevard?
            B: No. You should have taken the Yellow Line bus. You can get one at
            the next stop.
            A: Is it long ride?
            B: Not that long.

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