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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(20).The New York City Subway 纽约市的地铁

            There are subway systems in several cities in the US. New York City
            has an extensive and rather complicated rapid transit system. Each
            train is designated by a letter or a number, but most New Yorkers
            refer to them by such names as the Broadway Local and the 6th Avenue
            Express. It is important to remember that both local and express
            trains operate on some lines. You must have a token or, in some
            cases, the exact change to get on the platforms. Subway maps are
            available at most token booths.

            1.A: Which train do I take to Columbus Circle, please?
            B: Take the uptown A train and get off at the next station.
            A: And where do I get the train?
            B: Just go down those steps.

            2.A: How do I get to Rockefeller Center?
            B: Take the RR to 34th Street, then change to the D train and go two
            A: Which platform is it on?
            B: Go down the stairs over there.

            3.A: Which line do I take for Greenwich Village?
            B: You can take the D, the F or the A. Just make sure you're going
            A: How do I get down to the trains?
            B: Take the escalator and then go to the right.

            4.A: Can you tell me the best way to get to Wall Street?
            B: You want the 7th Avenue Express, the Number 2.
            A: Which way should I go?
            B: Go straight down those stairs and follow the signs.

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