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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  本站原创

(24).On the Highway 在公路上

            The interstate highway system makes long-distance travel by car fast
            and convenient. Interstate highways are clearly marked with numbers:
            odd numbers mark north and south routes and even numbers mark east
            and west routes. Such toll roads as turnpikes, thruways and parkways
            are part of the interstate system. The speed limit on all highways
            is 55 miles per hour unless otherwise posted. Remember that 1
            mile=1.6 kilometers.

            1.A: We'd better stop and rest pretty soon.
            B: OK. I'll look at the map to see exactly where we are.
            A: Do you think we'll have any trouble finding a room for the night?
            B: I'm sure it'll be easy to find a place.

            2.A: We have to watch for Interstate 87?
            B: Right! We still have a ways to go, though.
            A: How about staying at a hotel in a city tonight?
            B: It might be hard to find a good place to stay this late.

            3.A: Let's stop soon. We've driven enough for one day.
            B: All right, but we still have a little farther to to.
            A: I think we should try to find a reasonable motel tonight.
            B: That shouldn't be hard to do.

            4.A: Shouldn't we start looking for a place to stay?
            B: OK. Why don't you check the map to see where we are.
            A: I hope we can find a cheap place to spend the night, don't you?
            B: I don't think we'll have any trouble.

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