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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  竞学网

A resume should thoroughly describe the responsibilities of each position.

The absolute most important element of your resume is your value proposition. Your unique ability to solve business problems, meet challenging goals, and produce desired results should be the focus of your executive profile (see above) and this focus should be supported by proof throughout your career. How better to do this than through achievement-oriented, results-focused descriptions of your career history? While employers and recruiters will want to know the scope of your position (number of direct reports, amounts of budgets managed, areas of management authority, etc.) this is most effectively communicated within the context of the challenges you faced, the actions you took, and the results of your actions. "Responsibilities" only tell the reader what you were supposed to do, not what you actually did do. Use powerful, active language to concisely tell the reader the "story" behind your most recent or relevant positions. By documenting your consistent ability to produce results and solve problems you will demonstrate your ability to produce similar results in the future.




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