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Thoughtfulness 体贴对方

www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  英语吧

A: I'm wondering if I'll get fired.

B: Forget it buddy. No one can sack you.


A: I should have made a better excuse that time. I'm afraid the boss is still mad at me.

B: It's the past tense. Don't worry.


A: Will you be with us long?

B: Not this time.


A: When are you seeing him again?

B: Next weekend.


A: Where are you staying?

B: At the Robert E. Lee Hotel on Main Street.


A: When will you be leaving?

B: Well, that depends.


A: You're on your way somewhere?

B: Shopping.


A: Where's Bryan?

B: In New York on business.

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下一篇:Telephone 电话用语

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