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www.sinoca.com 2009-02-19  英语吧

Scientists in Canada have discovered that mice could be capable of showing empathy for each other. 

The discovery was made during experiments in which well-acquainted mice were caused to suffer pain together. The findings have been published in the latest issue of New Scientist magazine.

In one experiment two mice were fed vinegar, which caused mild stomach-ache for around 30 minutes making the creatures wriggle in discomfort.

Researchers at the McGill University observed that cage-mates that had previously spent time together wriggled more, and seemed to synchronize their wriggling.

But in tests where the mice were strangers to each other, they displayed few signs of pain.

It is thought that this masking of pain is done to avoid revealing vulnerability to a potential rival.

The same happened in another test in which a chemical was used to cause mild inflammation of a paw, the researchers said. They found that the mice had to see each other's sufferings for the effect to kick in. The pheromones that enable recognition also played a role, the scientists added.

They said the reactions should not be mistaken for sympathy, which requires consciousness of another's suffering.

The reactions are a kind of "empathy", which is akin to collective yawning in humans and perhaps goes further down the physiological tree than had been previously thought, the researchers said.


empathy:移情作用  well-acquainted :很熟,在一起很长时间的 wriggle:扭动           vulnerability:弱点      inflammation:发炎 pheromones:(生化)信息素  paw:爪子





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