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司机必看:这些驾照考试中的难题 你能做对吗?

www.sinoca.com 2013-10-31  city365



  1) When the solid line of a double yellow line is on your side, are you allowed to make a left turn?

  A) Yes as long as you are not impeding other traffic

  B) Solid yellow lines only indicate rules for passing

  C) Only drivers on the other side of the road may make a left turn

  D) You are not allowed to turn left

  2) A steady red light means:

  A) You must stop unless you are turning right

  B) Stop. After coming to a full stop you may turn right or turn left onto a one-way street unless a sign forbids it

  C) Stop, then proceed when safe

  D) Stop if traffic is approaching

  3) If two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop intersection at the same time and are facing each other:

  A) A vehicle that is going straight through may go first

  B) It is always OK if both vehicles move at the same time

  C) Always wait for the other vehicle to move first

  D) A vehicle that is turning may go first

  4) When approaching a stopped emergency vehicle with flashing lights on highways with speed limits of 80 km/h or over, in addition to changing lanes you must slow to:

  A) 50 km/h

  B) 40 km/h

  C) 30 km/h

  D) 70 km/h

  5) You are driving in the left lane of a divided highway. You see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights in your rear view mirror. You should:

  A) Slow down and move to either side of the road

  B) Stop immediately

  C) Move safely to the nearest edge of the road and stop

  D) Be ready to get out of the way

  6) The yield sign on a transit bus when it is signaling to enter traffic means:

  A) You must yield to them where the speed limit is 60 km/h or lower

  B) Yield on all roads where the speed limit is 30 km/h or lower

  C) Yield regardless of the posted speed limit

  D) Yield only if there is no traffic behind you



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