交通拥堵永远是最让开车的人头疼的事。堵车引起“路火”,拿着斧子砍人的事儿都发生过。以下是根据Toronto Star给出的信息总结的多伦多交通最差的10个路段。市民在上下班高峰期时尽量避开这些路段。
Bayview Ave. and Sheppard Ave. E.

Hwy. 401 to Sheppard Ave. on Yonge St.

Front St. to Gardiner Expressway on York St.

Sheppard Ave. W. and Allen Road

Hwy 401 to Sheppard Ave. E. on Leslie St.

York St. to Bathurst St. on Lake Shore Blvd.

Hwy. 401 to Sheppard Ave. E. on Kennedy Rd.

Hwy. 401 to Progress Ave. on Markham Rd.

Dufferin St. and Finch Ave. W.

Black Creek Dr. and Lawrence Ave. W.

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